If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your purchase from timeframe we will provide you with a 30 day money-back guarantee from the time you receive the goods or services.
Please email us at info@time-frame.com within that time if you are not satisfied with your purchase so that we can resolve any problems.
This refund policy does not apply to goods which have been worn or used, damaged after delivery, or if any attempt has been made to alter the product. Or to reimbursement charges for expenses incurred such as Travel.
Your rights under applicable laws are not restricted by this policy.
If you have any enquiries regarding this document and the payment services we offer please visit our website at www.time-frame.com
You will be asked for information that is relevant to your return or to satisfy legislative requirement. If you do not provide this information, then we may be unable to process your return. When requesting a refund you will be asked for your signature as authorisation of the return transaction. Timeframe and its payment partners will record your name, which may be accessed by authorised timeframe team members for fraud protection activities. Information collected will be securely stored in accordance with our privacy policy.